Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Looks like it's been a week since I've blogged. Honestly, I thought it was 3 or 4 days. Shows you how well I keep track of time. So what is best? Give a quick update to what we've been doing every day for a week? Just write about the last couple of days? Or forget updating everyone on what we're doing and blog about whatever pops up in this brain of mine. I guess there isn't a right or wrong answer. I do enjoy doing this blog. And I think there are some people out there who actually enjoy reading it – go figure! Mostly my mom and best friends, haha, but that's ok. I know there are people out there who like to know what Colby and I are up to, making sure we're surviving this circus that is our lives. Yes, we are both doing just fine currently. And believe me, I know that could change at a moment's notice. I try very hard to not take the good, ordinary, uneventful days for granted. It's easy to get hung up in the BS of daily life. Especially when Colby's care is so involved and I'm doing much of it solo. Yes, we have nursing help. But trust me, that can be a whole other set of circumstances and problems. And yes, I have tremendous support from my parents and friends. Without their constant support, love and confidence in me that I can actually do this single mom to a medically fragile kid gig, I would've dissolved into a huge puddle of goo long ago. It takes a village has never been more appropriate when it comes to sweet boy and me!

By the time this past Sunday rolled around, you could stick a fork in me, I was done. Tired, just darn tired. Colby's feeding pump went off around 6:30am. I got up and turned it off. Unlocked the front door. Texted the day nurse to come on in and that I was going back to bed. I don't do it often. I always think I can get this and that done while the nurse gets Colby up for the day. Not that day. Slept in until 9:30am! It was a thing of beauty. Then I did 4 loads of laundry and watched the Patriots LOSE the Super Bowl. Woot woot! And of course stayed up to watch This Is Us. Ohmygosh, if you're not watching this show, what is wrong with you? It's soooooo good. I didn't cry at all during the episode, so I guess that's confirmation that my heart has turned completely to stone. I also spent a great amount of my time following after Cupcake, picking and wiping up her little pees and poops. I don't know what is going on with this damn rabbit! She used to be so good at using her little box or chux pads. Now she's just letting it land wherever she happens to be. Driving me nuts! I bought “Rabbits for Dummies at Christmas for Colby and me to read so we would be better bunny owners. I've read about 80 pages so far, but haven't gotten to the part about litter box training. I thought we had this under control but obviously not. Time to skip ahead to that chapter. Good thing she's cute!

Yesterday Colby went to school until 12:30. Then I picked him up and we met his PT at the pool for swimming. Colby hasn't been swimming yet this year, so I know he enjoyed it. Last night he fell asleep within minutes of us tucking him in. Today after school he gets his port flushed, and Tuesdays are also bath days. Colby's regular nurse for Tuesday PM called off tonight. Luckily they were able to get one of Colby's other nurses to cover the shift tonight. Her regular Tues client is out of town, so she happens to be free tonight. I can certainly give Colby a bath by myself. I've done it many, many times. But I cannot tell a lie, it's much easier with some help. I said I was going to dedicate February to working on Colby's eye gaze. Getting some pictures on it, learning more about the technology of it and what it can and can't do, etc. Yep, it's on my to-do list. There's still plenty of February left so I'm not panicking yet.

I'm going to hop off here and get my shower before Colby gets home from school. This is the 1st Tuesday in a long time I haven't worked that 2nd job. I'm enjoying doing chores around the house and not being so rushed. I'll miss the extra money for sure, but like I said, I need sanity too. More blogging soon, peeps. Thanks for reading this and for taking an interest in our lives. We live “differently” from most, but that certainly doesn't mean we're not happy. Colby, Cupcake and I are snug as bugs in rugs around here. Looking forward to a more laid back week and some down time with my kiddos.

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