Sunday, July 29, 2018


I wanted to thank my family and friends for always being there for Colby and me. And I mean ALWAYS. This has been an odd year for me. I've had the lowest of lows and the highest of highs. And one constant has been the unwavering love, support and care from those closest to us. Please know I see it and feel it. Please know I appreciate it so much. Please know I don't take it for granted. Seems like I'm always needing help in various ways. I swear there are days I don't know whether to scratch my watch or wind my butt. Lately my dad has been ill, and I've learned the hard way you can't be two places at once. When I'm with Dad, I feel like I should be with Colby. Then vice versa, of course. There have been times my Dad has been really sick, sort of sick, not too sick, doing great, doing not so great, sick again. Those of you dealing with aging parents know exactly what I'm talking about. I always thought when one of my parents starting showing signs of illness and aging, I'd be able to handle it. After all, look at all I've been through with Colby, right? Plus having a parent get sick is the more natural “circle of life” occurrence in life, right? Wrong! It has been just as hard watching my dad be sick than anything I've experienced with Colby. I've really had to depend on Colby's nurses to help with Colby. They've been great. I've had to ask friends to help out with Dad when there are times I just can't be there. Everyone has stepped up and been a huge help. Thank you, THANK YOU so much.

This past weekend Colby turned 16. I can hardly believe it. We had a huge party for Colby, complete with 52 guests, a beautiful 3-tier cake, a great luau theme, excellent food, and a fire spinner. That's right, there was a young lady in our driveways spinning fire batons and hoops. Colby's party was one of the highlights of 2018 for me. I wanted to do something really special to celebrate his 16th. Again, I needed help, and my family and friends were more than willing to help. People helped decorate, bring food, address invitations, run errands, clean up afterward. Whatever needed to be done for the party got done. I loved every second of it. I loved celebrating Colby's big birthday! Having a house full of love and laughter is when I'm at my happiest, for sure.

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has helped us over the last few months. Thank you for checking on my dad when I can't. Thank you for helping with Colby's party. Thank you for understanding if I didn't return a call or text, or if when you talk to me it seems like I wasn't listening. Honestly, I probably wasn't half the time. I've just had a lot of worries and to-do lists running around in my brain like squirrels on crack. I'd like to say my schedule will calm down soon, but I'm afraid that's not going to happen. A lot of decisions are currently hinging on my dad's health. Colby is due for his next Spinraza injection in August, along with getting back to school. I keep telling myself everything is going to be okay. Take one day, one hour if necessary, at a time. Prioritize, do what has to be done not necessarily what I want to get done, accept that I can't be all things to all people all the time, and just keep chugging along. So, time to watch an episode of OITNB then go to bed. Tomorrow is Monday and I have the to-do lists ready to go.

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